Harry Potter
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (January 13, 2022)
To that it is necessary to add a phenomenon that have marked the last times and del that we without knowing it participated all. The magician and the fantasy are demonstrating once again their immense one to be able. But no we can sentence dryly saying it the magician is fashionable. I rather would say: endless history is repeated. The work of Michael Ende (endless history) at a certain time takes in some place of country of the fantasy , a universal parallel to ours in which all the fantastic creatures live who we pruned ourselves to imagine: the enchanted elfos, dragoons, horsemen, sorceresses, ogros and many more. But so that country can survive once in a while it must be visited by a boy or a human girl who insufflates new life to him, that continues spinning histories that were pending or for want of the same it creates new and it concludes others. However.
In the work, Father a dark destiny on that country. A long time ago the human children stopped frecentar it and the creatures and personages of long ago die whenever a boy or human girl forgets of how is called or who is. In order to darken the panorama still more, Phantasia, as the country in German is called, is watched by a plague of average lies or average truths that comes to be the same, since its lack of consistency ( neither chicha nor lemonade we would say) destroys so much the truth as the lie, not leaving anything to its devastating step. Zendaya wanted to know more. And is indeed that nothing the one that is on the verge of devouring it, until he appears the main personage of the work, Bastian Balthasar Bux, to to save the situation. When a literary work is taken great screen exists a serious danger to create average lies or average truths . truth that offers the cinematographic industry to us on a work of Literature is not another thing that version that offers its director to us. However. In the case of Harry Potter which jumps more at sight he is not indeed history but the magic that locks up.
And I have there where the cinema and Literature can share a space without needing eclipsing itself mutually. an image is worth more than thousand words says a saying. the word releases of the images to you could say another one. Harry Potter not only is the concrete test that the almost perfect fusion of both sublime arts is possible, but still is much fantasy to develop and much magic to discover in the country of the fantasy. Until, where everything is possible, innumerable times have traveled there, young adults like Cervantes, Shakespeare, Goethe, Roald Dahl, J.R. Tolkien, to name only to which they come mind now. But on the sight, since it was J.K.Rowling, not only the directors of Hollywood are deciding to do a visit from time to time to him, does not go being who is some trick of magic which not yet they have been able to show to us.