System Of Racial Quotas
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (November 1, 2012)
SYSTEM OF RACIAL QUOTAS Ana Carolina de Paiva S INTRODUCTION For return of the year of 2003 the Congress was for approving the introduction of racial quotas in the universities of Brazil. Years if had passed since then, and still today the controversy persists. The idea is the following one: we have a slavery past that exactly after its abolition, took the population afro-Brazilian the levels of income and conditions of life, at least precarious. The temporary character of this politics, as well as its proposal to correct the one badly biggest one, was the great justification for its acceptance, despite the politics of quotas keeps in itself many imperfections. The analysis of the general panorama of the concernentes questions to the affirmative actions and ' ' program of quotas raciais' ' I demanded and perpassa for an analysis of the ethnic group black Brazilian and all its grouped load of historical data, partner-cultural politicians and since the Brazil-colony. The black composes a great part of population contingent Brazilian it is also the group that more represent the peripheral areas, the life in respective misery and all nuances derived from this picture: ' ' deseducao' ' , alienation, violence and crime' '.
The rotulagem reproduced in this society has as white the identification factor, or discrimination, apparent, the color, the typical traces and destarte, is pointed and delegated it the black individual certain stigma for its condition human being. The affirmation of the black as independent individual, exempts, capable to provide it proper itself, was disfarada by the decoy of the golden law, freed that them of the slavery and desumano treatment degradante e, in fact, the Brazilian government did not act looks with to give it to citizenship and life to the blacks so that thus they could autodeterminar and conquer its due space. This is ' ' debt histrica' '.