Mathematical Modeling
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (September 20, 2013)
concludes que necessary to increase the amount of research in MM in our country. 6,8 Mathematical modeling ' ' Para' ' classroom: an experience with professors of Average Ensino? Kcio Gonalves Milk This article makes study of the experiences of professors of State net of the Paran, participants of the Course of MM in classroom. From the analysis of the stories of the participants of this course of MM, the author concludes that after the course the Mathematical Modeling passed to be seen by the professors as one real possibility of resource and methodology to be used in classrooms. 6.9 A Proposal of Mathematical Modeling as Strategy of Education? Taciana Maciel Baggio This article is a proposal of the use of the Mathematical Modeling as strategy of education and learning. An activity of modeling is proposal that it makes possible to argue the concept of function and its influence in the society. From the subject ' ' Internet' ' a mathematical model is developed that allows to argue on function. The author concludes suggesting the use of the MM as strategy of Education and Learning. 7.
Conclusions We believe that the use of Mathematical Modeling as method of Education, surpasses the limits of the conventional lesson and that this method becomes the subject pupil asset in the construction of its proper learning. Becoming pleasant Ensino in such a way for pupil how much for professor. For being a methodology of total flexible education that values the exploration, inquiry the analysis of data, allied the introduction of the contextualizado Mathematical content, in a situation problem, can favor the pupil the development and reconstruction of its proper learning of active form, as subject that it can intervene with its reality with criticidade. However, the authors of articles also analyzed express its concern with the difficulties found for the implantation of the method of Mathematical Modeling in education in the Brazilian schools.