Tangible Thoughts
Tangible thoughts in the peace of the paragraphs paths of the mind in which smile cannot see nor reach hardened morning murmurs where the constant singing of a goldfinch and delights my lerdo and gentle awakening are combined so many so many verbs that you not can you even imagine a man loves, wants to, want to and admires when ever that happens in your life is the moment and something so you must fight You should know that you think when I breathe when find me awake or asleep with it let my dreams are yours and you with silence seems that you accepted the caresses and words I yew and born without the effort exerted not wanting to give us we have done outside of it not ours as if we belonged not each other Claudicamos before the next tiredness the US invades just thinking about it not taking into account that is a pair only, actual and possible great happiness and I repeat I until fatigue that I think and I make my way to my desire in times of oppression of peace or solitude when I look and I realize, you aren’t I think you and doing me doy por satisfied because everything thing I aspire, thou art truth Samuel Akinin Levy tangible thoughts in the peace of the paragraphs paths of the mind in which smile cannot see nor reach hardened morning murmurs where the constant singing of a goldfinch and delights my lerdo and gentle awakening are combined so many and so many verbs that you can’t so you nor imagine a man loveswants, desires and admired when it happens sometime in your life thats the moment and something so it must fight you should know that you think when I breathe when find me awake or asleep with it let my dreams are yours and you with silence seems that you accepted the caresses and words I yew and born without the effort exerted not wanting to give we have done outside of it not ours as if not which one to another Claudicamos before next tiredness which invades us just thinking about it not taking into account that is a couple only, actual and possible great happiness and I repeat I until tiredness that I think and I make my way to my desire in times of oppression of peace or solitude when I look at you and I realize, you aren’t tea I think, and in doing so I am satisfied because everything I aspire, thou art the original Samuel Akinin Levy Autor truth and source of the article.