For Savers And Other Price Filing Shear
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (September 25, 2016)
Good Board band “save daily” appeared there are hardly any products or services that have a fixed price. Everywhere discounts, cheap sources and gimmicks lure, how you can buy something cheaper. Whether accounting, pleasure & life, mobile phone contracts or digital cameras savings potentials are hidden in almost all areas of daily life. Those who shy away from unnecessary spending and wants to save money, is in the good Council band daily save”(Cornelsen Verlag Scripturam gate) found by Werner Zedler. By A car”to Z like toothpaste he is 128 pages of the issue: the price is really cheap? As a shopper with a savings guarantee, the book provides proven strategies for larger purchases: what dealers are cheaper, when computer plug in the price low and how to save several hundred dollars when traveling without sacrificing quality.
Differences for the same product are substantial: 20 percent for televisions, 30 percent for insurance policies. And at the The bank charges can buy securities ever 500 instead of 50 euro amount. “, so Publisher Werner Zedler. His Advisor helps consumers to save consistently in everyday life. As a profitable reference book, he reveals also useful tips for the more economical use of energy. Werner Zedler is good advice since eleven years Chief Editor of the consumer magazine”and the television audience is known through his regular advice show in the Central German broadcasting (MDR). In the book, he brings together the concentrated knowledge of his editorial about markets and prices. The joint project of the magazine good advice because compact, easy to understand and practical know-how to prepare the most important topics of everyday of consumer that has become”(Hubert Burda Media) written with the Cornelsen Publishing House on the flag.
Six titles of the jointly developed book Guide series (per 128 pages) take up issues to daily save, traffic law, Knigge modern, labour law, tax saving and longer young. Already six appear in spring 2010 more good advice volumes to demand strong consumer issues. Werner Zedler (ed.) good advice: daily save ISBN 978-3-589-23686-2 Cornelsen Verlag Scriptor 2009 press contact Nico close Cornelsen Verlag Mecklenburg str. 53, 14197 Berlin Tel.: 030/89 78 55 91 fax: 030/89 78 55 99 Press