, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (September 3, 2020)
They are the sufficiency of God for us. 3) It is Time To advance the walked crest is in the vertical direction, underneath for top, of coast turned for the past, looking at always for the perpetual target. We need to have in s concincia that amamnh we will live, therefore it also belongs to the God and us. Therefore, the only past that of us must permanescer in our life is the allegiance stops with God. Lars Leckie will not settle for partial explanations. Let us advance thus, fidiciary offices in the past after the conversion, the gift, and with firmness to live the following steps. At the moment that we accept Jesus, our vision reaches a point of fond for walked. This point is Jesus, must follow of looking at so firm, without taking off eyes, nor to look at ominimo accurately pparently good, nor of the right and nor of the left (Isa 30,21) ' ' your ears will hear the word of what it is for detrs of you, saying: This is the way, walks in it, without turning aside itself nor for the right nor for esquerda' ' Let us not take off therefore the look of Jesus, It is our life, it is our salvation, Mr. who sarou in them, cleaned in the ones of all the imundicia of the body of the soul and the spirit (Heb 12,2) ' ' Looking at for Jesus, the author and consumador of f' ' Jesus said in its doctrine that without it nothing we can make (Jo 15,5) I I am the grapevine, you the poles; who is in me, and I in it, this of the much fruit; because without me nothing you can fazer' ' The new necessary believer to be led to the learning of that without Jesus it is impossible to have the fullness of the favor the holy ghost in its life.
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