Adorno Capacity
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (March 19, 2016)
E worse is that such situation was generated exactly by that, amongst all the animals, is had as the only rational being: the proper one man. Word-key: philosophy contemporary, society of mass, cultural industry, homogenization of the behaviors and virtual reality. INTRODUCTION the reflections carried through for the theoreticians of the School of Frankfurt, particularly Adorno and Horkheimer, and the developed ones for Jean Baudrillard, can, with great advantage, being applied to the current historical context. After all, we live a reality pautada for the complete inversion of the values, where the human being if has reduced each time more to an object the grace of the whims and interests of the capitalism and the marketing logic. Its condition of alienation is so latent that it not even obtains to imagine an existence different of that lives.
We can say that it lost its creative capacity. By the way, as they defined Adorno and Horkheimer well, the death of the critical reason, asfixiada for the relations of capitalist production, has demonstrated to an overwhelming voracity in the homogenization and massificao of the behaviors. A standard was developed in such a way only of behavior that, what it makes somebody human being in the current standards is not its individuality, but the capacity of the same of if leaving to absorb for the massificadas behaviors. By the way, the human being does not need more if to worry in thinking. It is enough to be as everybody, for more mediocre than this can be. The paradox presented for Horkheimer in what it refers to the advance of the knowledge technician and, on the other hand, the reduction of the capacity of the human being in being independent and to resist the increasing mechanism of manipulation of the masses, is a synthesis of the condition current human being. E, moreover, many of that theoretically make opposition to the effective standard make more it for convenience of what for awareness.
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