, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (October 25, 2021)
I give him brave! to the author because he has the facility to ***reflx mng itself of as enormous problem as this one, and what you want that he says to you: " Pon a smile in your life and the problems will be it menos". I can decirte, without fear to be mistaken, that a bad companion will manage to turn your life into a daily hell and therefore, the best strategy to have an incentive for levantarte every morning, and until increasing to the yield and effectiveness in your tasks, it consists emotionally of involucrarte more with your companions, to analyze your attitude in the group and to detect which are being your negative contributions to the conflict, to improve and to even bring about the good atmosphere, a mammoth task in which you will be implicarte to day. It begins well by sentirte with same you. At heart, the relation that we have with we ourself is the cause of our interaction with the fellow workers. For example, " when it bothers to us that they do not recognize our merits to us, usually means that we lack autoestima" , or " when we complained which the others are very critics with our work, surely it is because we are very susceptible and demanding with we ourself ". In my opinion, we must worry to us really by the people who surround to us. Abrir us to them without complexes, conscious that everybody (or almost) does the best thing than knows, just as you. So the best thing than you can do is to accept to the others as they are, with its defects and their virtues. Trying to learn of them, seeing the positive side of the things that happen, with sense of humor and trying to brighten up the atmosphere as far as possible, sharing personal and professional experiences, helping them (great word) in everything what it is possible to you and showing to them who you are humility and the authenticity it goes to you to help.
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