, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (November 24, 2019)
This there drank all, econsegue to find favour of a besteira any that I drink makes, people they sefantasiam and they go for the way of the avenue in all place always exists a Squid, Keys or one politician any. Oclima of carnival also is criticizes propitiates it and satire of the national problems, you unite this is a characteristic ours to play with our problems and perhaps porisso that we obtain to go living in this country that to each day the violence increases eos outlaws and corrupt politicians take account of the situation. Acompanhoo reporter of the carnival and according to statisticians in the Cear, the calmest carnival of 2009foi of last the five years. Final Obalano pointed a reduction in 33% in the cases of violent deaths had been murders, drownings and traffic accidents going of 88 deaths in 2008 for 59 in 2009.Os homicides to the bullet had presented the biggest fall, being 32 deaths in 2008 and 13 em2009 a 59% reduction (source: site of the Civil Policy). In the Santaquando Week the period would have all to be of conjunct and reflection 51 violent deaths foramregistradas in the State of the Cear during the feriado of the Week Saint. Osnmeros general represents an increase of 10,8% in relation to the year of 2008. Because this happens? I have a my opinion while in climate of carnival aspessoas is less tense and more relaxed in the Week Saint, with the excuse dovinho the people drink more and start to argue the one with the other querendoimpor its opinion and thoughts that nor always are shared pelasoutras people and there that it happens the violence and all type of accident. Nestecarnaval we go to enter in the climate, we go to use to advantage the time to make what cadaum will have will, each person has its thought and skill of living, ones gostamde to play others as I of looking at and others to be in house. Important que each one plays in peace and with joy and in the remaining portion of the year let us remain in carnival climate
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