Castello Branco University City
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (March 5, 2018)
The lagoon compelled that its entorno was to circulate and started to be a strategical area in relation deals to it, services and transports. The city of Joo Person starts to grow for the south from the expano of cidae in direction the lagoon starts a new expansion of the lagoon in direction the beaches in the middle of century XX. One of the areas of more recent expansion encloses the area of the Castello Branco University City that were construida in the end of the decade of forty and beginning of the decade of cinquenta where the buses circulated until the University City and came back toward the center. The phase of expansion of the city that had beginning with the implantation of the SUDENE in the Seventies pratocinou the habitacionais sets, the city was if expanding in the area of the Castello Branco where the UFPB is located created by Jose Amrico. The sets had the name of on people to the Military Regimen, example Valentina Figueiredo, Geisel Ernest among others. the campus of the UFPB came to contribute very for development in this area of the city. Also it had the expansion of industrial polar regions causing still more the expansion of the habitacionais sets that localizan next to the polar regions indusrial we can identifiacr one of them exemplificando the mangabeira case where the houses all have high gratings and walls as we can see in the house that had not been modified in Mangabeira in the photo of n and the ones that already had been modified. The avenue Bigger Untied Ilton Appeals court judge the biggest avenue of Joo Person who has inicicio in the viaduct of the sorrizal in the Christ and goes until the beach, recent more already counts on draining, asphalt, jardinagem and uluminao. The current expansion of Joo Person and in the quarter of the High plateau where an area for the construction of luxury houses was reserved more exactly thus today we encontamos slum quarters.
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