Catholic University
Science has as instruments to support the observation and the exercise of reason. Morality, for his part, called for empirical ethics Kant, comes from the word moris of the Latin meaning custom. Meanwhile, ethics is a word of Greek origin whose meaning is custom also, but with different meaning, say, more noble or high, quality of Greek philosophical thought. This determines that sometimes morality is opposed to ethics. It also happens that there is confusion in the interpretation of the meaning of such terms. It is common to find multiple interpretations of the concept of morality, all conditioned by some social reality. The meaning of morality is influenced by the characteristics of individual societies, which determine the establishment of patterns of behavior.
Ethics exercised in a different dimension to the space where morality is exercised. It is not what is right, what they do everyone, fashion, or established practice or behaviour accepted or imposed by any moral (moral moral, Catholic Muslim) regime. Ethics springs from the man inside and is nourished by the same laws that govern the creation and its significance at the time, mainly projected towards human behavior. For certain ethics establishes that behavior of man is fine in itself and which is bad, in the field of the absolute. However, as in all knowledge flows, verified contradictions and contrasts in the interpretation of what it means moral and what is ethical. In the trilogy unpublished I text. My Vision of man, which includes three works of Karol Wojtyla *, at the end of page 25-26 start, in the chapter entitled the Moral and ethics the then future Pope John Paul II makes an interesting approach on the differentiation between the science of morals and ethics domain: * before becoming PopeKarol Wojtyla had exercised for 25 years the Chair of ethics at the Catholic University of Lublin; He was also mentor to school ethics of Lublin and Krakow.
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