Civil Codes
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (January 20, 2018)
German Civil code of 1896, effective one as of 1900 (BGB), for the writing of this Code considered the contributions of the School of the Pandectas. 3) Italian Civil code of 1942. Of these Codes the one that but has influenced in other Civil Codes is the Napolen Code of 1804. But it is necessary to need that the Italian Code of 1942 among others Codes, influenced in the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984. Diverse schools of the right exist between which we can mention the school of the free right, and the exgesis. With the codification it developed the school of the exgesis enough. Also it developed to much with the codification the positivismo.
The legislative technique is the art to legislate, nevertheless all the opportunities does not correspond to write up and to approve Codes, but in some opportunities it writes up and it approves Codes and other opportunities it writes up and it approves other norms like laws, decrees legislative, supreme decrees, ministerial resolutions, ministerial resolutions vice, jefaturales resolutions, directorales resolutions, managemental resolutions, among others. The legislative technique is the art to legislate and little well-known and is spread in our means. We must need that the codification is only an option when it is legislated, since other options like the laws and the regulations exist, among others alternative. Between the main characteristics of a Code we can mention the following: 1) They almost always regulate only one branch of the right. 2) They have preliminary title generally. 3) They are legal bodies very known between the jurists. 4) Its writing is almost always ordered to a Commission of Jurisconsultos and Especialistas in the branch of the right that regulates the Code, for its later discussion, revision and approval.
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