Consistent Electricity
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (January 2, 2016)
Powerhouse Diesel mobile comes the main '', where for various reasons, the main power supply is not available, or the quality of its supplies reserves to want the best. Nothing amazing in that diesel power plant is so popular, not because they provide a low cost of electricity generated, and as a result – a fast return on power. A huge lifespan and durability as can be ranked as undoubted pluses diesel power plants. Purchase of a mini power station gives you the opportunity to be independent of the centralized power supply. As the main engine in the diesel power an internal combustion engine (ICE) is almost ignition of fuel from compress air – diesel. Energy, resulting from fuel combustion in diesel engine produces mechanical work and heat. Mechanical work on the motor shaft is used to generate electricity generator of electricity. Variations of the device of diesel power plants: Consistent with the method of protection against atmospheric influences: lbptk, bonnet, beskapotnogo, body and a container unit.
By way of mobility: stationary, mobile and mini power plants. According to the method of movement: the trailers, a car, on a frame-skid block-transportable. Diesel backup power plant can be used: as a reserve, auxiliary or main source of electricity in factories, construction, administrative and hospitals, airports, hotels, communication centers, life support systems, etc. on standby or in combination of the central systems of energy supply. The need to use diesel power is: backup power to operate if the main networks (emergency mode) limited centralized sources of electricity and heat in expanding capacity (auxiliary mode work in conjunction with the central networks); the high cost of supply of electricity and heat (autonomous order of magnitude), low cost fuel to oil companies and the possibility of electricity and heat; opportunity to reduce dependence on tariff increases for electricity and heat. As a fuel for power plants using diesel distillate and residual fuel. For distillate fuels are Petrol (GOST 305-82 mark L – summer, W – winter, but – Arctic) and gas turbine fuel. Residual (heavy) fuel imagine fuel motor for the medium-speed diesel engines (in accordance with gost 1667-68 the quality of the dt and DM) and oil (according to gost 10585-75 quality F-5 and F-12). Residual (heavy) fuel used in diesel engines are equipped with systems (separation and heating), as well as intentionally fuel systems (fuel injection pump and injectors).
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