Control City
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (March 9, 2016)
Weak points FortesPontos PublicidadeTecnologia InstitucionalControle Image of Fidelizao supply of clientesControle of cost Control of invoicing Human resources Picture 6. Strong points and weak points With regard to the strong points had been analyzed the following topics: Advertising: As the white public of the restaurant it is predominantly familiar, the proprietors prefer to invest in medias that reaches this specific public. The more used media in the city is the Periodical ' ' Gazette of Cosmpolis' ' the municipal radio. These two medias are the ones that the restaurant more has invested. In accordance with information supplied for the proprietor of the periodical Gazette of Cosmpolis, the periodical is circulated a time for week, all friday, with price of R$ 2,20 (two Reals and twenty cents), sufficiently accessible and reaches the average of 2,36 houses, with a total of 5.000 houses subscribers. The municipal radio has some programs, since entertainment until religious, therefore it obtains to take information the different public that hear the radio in different schedules and days, being thus a way of advertising that has proportionate good results. Beyond this continuous advertising that sazonal spreading exists, as of the juninas parties, that occur during the months of June and July, where the proprietor grants quermesses and parties of churches one arrests and already it divulges the restaurant for this type of party where generally I publish target to them is familiar.
Institucional image: For if dealing to a company who are situated in the same address and with the same one manages has 16 years, the Portions and Cia Ltda passes Me a credibility its customers. Moreover, in the city a great part of the population knows the proprietors or already they had heard to say of the products and services of the company. This factor is a differential between the many snack bars, restaurant and industrial kitchens of the city.
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