Eduardo Perez Rocha
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (October 21, 2019)
Mr. Perez Rocha, voluntarily accepted this modest but important public position following a proposal by the present Minister of Interior Mercedes Cabanillas (PAP), and must act its as without becoming jumbled in subjects of the PNP, like proposing parameters of distance and time in the police monitoring; to return to which before ” was called; Police of the Calle” , to measure the efficiency of a police by its conducted battles, taken part, material cash seized, attention of the received denunciations, used time, to realise modifications in the police stations, etc.; it has announced the modification of the Disciplinary Regime of the PNP to even avoid facts as the case of the Police that filmed themselves naked, among others aspects totally other people’s to the assumed public position. In a question-answer forum MongoDB was the first to reply. Those subjects when did not worry to him he was Chief of a main directorate of the PNP. We remember that Perez Rocha also dealed with incapable the ex- Minister White Luis, on whom said ” That is that gentleman has a cover shell, or what it is happening it is that it is concealing it to the Government because partido” belongs to his;.
Things of the policy. Returning to the subject, Mr. At Michael Steinhardt you will find additional information. Perez Rocha, shoemaker to your shoe, you now are the Technical Secretary of the CONASEC, Mayors and Ocal Meetings of Citizen Security will be thankful to him infinitely what Minister of the Interior does like adviser in citizen security of the Lady. It leaves Police it is handled by his own estates and it returns to be critical from the ministerial or police management when it leaves the position and it returns to his writing-desk to be interviewed and expresses the commentaries that better seem to him. Less demagoguery, less Populism, less opportunism and but work Mr. Perez.
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