Espirito Santo
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (June 23, 2016)
At the beginning, small quo is the seed, however, in the end it is majestical tree. You do not look at for the seed, but yes for the tree, and its flowers, and its leves and frutos.' ' after that describes the power that carries through this transformation ' ' You do not consider your proper aptitudes and capacities, but yes you fix your look in the consummated favour, the divine gift and the power of the Espirito Santo – to be able this that transforms the drop into sea and star in sol.' ' also comments on the human thought: ' ' While the thoughts of a person will be dispersed it will not get no result, but if the thought will be concentrated in one alone point its fruits will be admirveis.' ' continues explaining our relation with our thought: ' ' The reality of the man is its thought if the thought of a man constantly is come back toward the celestial subjects, then this man will become saint; if, in contrast, it does not raise its thought, but dirige it for low, concentrating itself on the things of this world, each time more is materialized until it arrives little at a superior state to the one of simple animal.' ' We perceive above in the Holy Writs that we are in reverse speed-creating with our thoughts. The soul has an associated power human being and to the thought that needs to be canalized so that it bears fruit. When we concentrate our thoughts in the future of creative form and positive, we exert our capacity to be co-creators of the reality. When we focus our attention in the limitations of the gift we do not allow that ' ' semente' ' it grows and if it develops. This creative power that we have is real many of us we have tried it of accidental form.
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