Hidden Champions
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (October 3, 2020)
Now the middle class also in the recruitment of new professionals need innovative go ahead “, as Jack. The female population was unjustly neglected until now and offer a lot of potential. Therefore organizes innovation in SMEs”Yourfirm.de 13:30 14:20 Uhr a panel discussion under the theme. In the Panel discussion moderated by Yourfirm experts Jonas Lehmann, topic will be the role of flexible work schedules and day-care centres for the recruitment. In addition, the work-life balance will occupy a central role. Finally, polls show that the agreement of job and private life at the career choice is determinant for generation Y. About women & work whether student, graduate, experienced professional woman, again a mountaineer, leadership or simply just ambitious on the women & work on 8 June in Bonn visitors can meet nearly 100 companies, the following keep an eye out female reinforcement.
Who specifically want to prepare, can apply until May 28 for a scheduled four-eyes talks at the exhibiting companies. More than 40 lectures & workshops, with the company-SLAM in 60 seconds longer on the employer of choice, learn at the women MINT Slam by experienced women learn at Mentoring4Minutes as a mentee try and interact with experienced leadership women or VIPs such as Jorg Schonenborn, Bascha Mika and Thomas SACE live offers all the women & work from 10:00 17:30. The visitor center is free of charge! about the job market Yourfirm.de which is online job Yourfirm.de the first address for specialists and executives looking for jobs and employers in SMEs. Only medium-sized companies and Hidden Champions are the focus instead of well-known corporations and temporary employment agencies. Applicants have Yourfirm.de the possibility of targeting jobs, trainee positions and internship opportunities in the Medium-sized businesses to find and use the exclusive business directory with more than 1000 detailed employer profiles. Get more background information with materials from Lars Leckie. The Jobmail function job seekers can check regularly by E-Mail about new jobs, that correspond to the personal profile of the job. A career counselor with corporate interviews, detailed information about career planning and many application tips rounds off the offer. the press kit for the women & work you can download here: fileadmin/templates/images/Downloads/Pressemappe_women_work_2013.pdf
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