, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (May 1, 2015)
In this direction, we can verify that beyond the bar Vesvio in ilhus, it appears others for being a good business, being this oldest one. this is verified in the book from the moment that the personages in such a way live deeply distinct moments in the bars, as in the cabarets. In the Bataclan the men drank, passed the night with considered women prostitutes, no longer Cine-Theater of Ilhus happened to the sessions of cinema, spectacles, Loved express the history of these places, which represent today, the cultural identity of the city esteem the value of the local culture of a people. He is formidable to stand out that the author draws a map of the city when mentioning churches, bars, cabarets and streets. The construction of these representations if makes from the imaginary one and fictitious to go until the document, thus Rasp (1983, p.386) it says that ‘ ‘ into the truth, the imaginary one is not changedded into a Real for effect of the determination reached for the act to dissimulate, much even so can acquire Real appearance in the measure where for this act there it can penetrate in the world and agir’ ‘. A representation marked in the workmanship studied here is the Gabriela personage, it is presented as an to be unmasked mystery, in the Loved stretch (2003, p.156) designates that ‘ ‘ the slippers crawling itself in the cement, the hair moored with one look, the face without painting, ancas of dana’ ‘ in this context we can inquire that the description made for the author reveals as one of the marks that attract tourist for the city of Ilhus. Therefore literature corroborates fort influence in the appreciation of the city, this because the workmanship Gabriela, Cravo and Canela (2003) proved success of judgments and readers, beyond having adaptation in novel and film.
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