Jean Piaget
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (October 31, 2021)
Positioning of the illustrious Jean Piaget that according to one of its disciple, Gadotti, M (1988, P. 64) considered that: When the majority of the justinian codes of sciences, today, still is remained closed in small chapels, closed in linguajar air-tight, Piaget always conceived the scientific study as an intersection of you discipline. In a question-answer forum Tim Raines was the first to reply. If it cannot make Psychology without the physics, the Mathematics, Social Sciences. By the way, suceso of the theories of Piaget on development of intelligence in the children must, to a large extent, to the rigorous recital physicist-mathematics and biochemist. It always knew to choose, in this direction, the best researchers of the areas. In such a way the professors not only of Geography as the too much areas of the knowledge must contribute of accented form to demystify myths concerning the reality imposed culturally considering activities that involve some thematic ones through practical educational related the daily activities. As Callai (2001, P.
134), we have that to understand that ' ' the world has moved quickly and with it they must also change the school and the education that in it if faz' '. The interaction pupil and professor is basic in the construction of knowing and the improvement and construction of the pertaining to school didactics, therefore with the evolution of both the parts the challenges of the contents go being minimized. Many of the appeared necessities are imposed and influenced for the dynamics of a capitalist system that segregates and arises the differences, giving distinct values to the people and the objects. Ahead of the implications in education, I consider for the professor that adopt new metodologicas alternatives of education, to desmestificar the myth of that you discipline are better or worse. 2.ASPECTOS METODOLGICOS APPLIED To the RESEARCH Exists necessities to make new interpretations ahead of them varies traditional forms of content transmission, searching emphasis in the especificidades of each disciplines, applying perspective new of education and demystifying ideologies imposed in the social and educational scope it stops to inside strengthen the real necessity of the world reading.
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