Jose Angel Valente
JOSe NGEL VALENTE (OURENSE, 1929-Geneva, 2000 not claimed more privilege than the die so that the air was freer in the heights and the most free men.) Jose angel Valente. THE voice of a LONE poet said Valente – not written in principle for anyone, and actually writes to an overwhelming majority, which is the first to be part. Because who first communicates such knowledge is the poet, in the Act of creation itself. Valens is one of the strongest voices of Spanish poetry of the second half of the fifties, he claimed his work as a solo runner race. And from his loneliness she faced life, away from literary chapels. In a radically solitary work adjusted his voice to other solitary specimens such as san Juan de la Cruz, Antonio Machado, and Juan Ramon Jimenez. Valens was always aware that the adventure of the poet is that of the solo.
True solidarity is possible only between solitary, let us put another great solo. Slowly, but surely, with a not always more abundant lyrical flow, he imposed a peculiar way of making poetry. Outside of pure poetry and without falling into the stereotypical anguish of other poets of his testimonial context, sometimes supportive, accusing with sensitive registry the controversial sign of our time. Has been able to get it? Simply through the expressive concentration of language. While some poets wrote Jose Luis Cano – they come by the accumulation of expressive resources, Valente does it for elimination, the bone of the poem with the skin covering the word-just and necessary. All are characterized by a more intellectual than emotional, by temperament and willingness to poet. Says things that are imposed with attributes of clarity, and hence that their concerns reflected the reality in an own poem time of misery – to isolate it and abstracting of passengers sentimentality. With a language precise, rhythmic and beautiful, his poetic, near work in their early to the characteristic of the generation of 50 social realism, evolved toward a deep intellectual lyricism and consideration of poetry as a work of search and knowledge of the essence of human experience, gaining particular relevance the influence of mysticism and reflection on the poetic Word.
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