Julia Film
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (September 16, 2021)
" When choosing a step sheathing should be noted that each type of metal dictates their distance. Otherwise, screw, using whose leaf is attached to the bars, will be simply screwed into the void. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Robinhood. This reduces the structural strength and may later even lead to the collapse of the roof. Information for choosing the step boards contained in the installation instructions to metal. In addition, the choice of pitch rafter affects the size of the heater. Therefore it is better to decide in advance exactly what material will find application on your roof.
Finally, the distance between the rafters can also affect the size of dormers. Their placement is better to plan in advance. Warmly by the rules "after installation of roof system must perform internal binder roof, which fits vapor control layer (film "IZOSPAN", "Yutafol"), and then – a heater – advises the director of design and construction organization "Altair" Julia . – Plate heat insulation stacked so as to tightly fill the space between rafters and purlin. The thickness of the insulation is determined by calculation and indicated in the draft (usually 200-250 mm) 1. Then, as recommended by Julia , packed insulation covered gidroteploizolyatsionnoy film docking bars (kontrobreshetkoy) on the rafters. You must run a little slack in the film between the batten bars and release the film under the eaves bar for removal of condensate drain system. By assembling When ready to perform all necessary operations begin installation of metal. This will require: a tool for cutting, screwdriver, hammer, tape measure, long rake handle.
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