Martin Buber
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (November 1, 2016)
I repeat an old metaphor: this time there is a Noah’s Ark that would save some few, or save us all all shall perish. Then, the goodwill must be claimed at all as a universal value. Otherwise, there is no way safeguard the ecological conditions of reproduction of life and secure reasons so that we can live together. In reality, we live in a State of permanent civil war. With the goodwill of everyone, we can achieve peace.
No less significant is the contribution of the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber. In his book I and thou Dialogic’s entire human existence personal and social structure sample. From the “you” is how conforms the self. The US arises from the interaction of the I and the you in so far as they reinforce the dialogue between itself and opens to all other others, up to the other completely. This statement of yours is paradigmatic: If we live side by side (nebeneinander) and not one along with the other (miteinander), we’ll finish it being against each other (gegeneinander).
This applies to the situation current. No country can take political and economic measures alongside others, without being together with the others. It will end up being against each other. All collaborate to an inclusive solution or there will be no solution for anyone. The crisis will deepen and eventually in collective tragedy. Protectionism is the greatest danger because it causes conflicts and, ultimately, war. The crisis of the 1920s, poorly digested, caused Nazism and fascism and the emergence of the second world war. We can’t repeat such a tragedy. Leonardo Boff Filosofo, theologian, and writer original author and source of the article.
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