Municipal Project
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (July 9, 2018)
Stages of the elaborated managing Plan for the city of Ipojuca in particular the beach of Port of Hens In the first stage the aspects of ' ' use of solo' ' ' ' environment ' ' The balance between the urban growth and the ambient preservation, the use of sustainable form of the natural resources, the creation of a Municipal System of protecting areas (in the case the beach band, manguezais), system of monitoramento of the ambient impacts to monitor the control on the risks, implantation of ambient sanitation establishes the recommendation of Integration between urbanizadas areas to the natural structures (supplying d' water and sanitary exhaustion, pluvial water handling and handling of solid residues), municipal politics of environment with financing definitions and participativa management, politics of environment of the state and the union integration with the diverse municipal sectorial politics, definition of co-responsibilities between the public power and the civil society, Requalification of the original nuclei of districts and villages, with special treatment for protection of the constructed patrimony, control of the use and the occupation of the ground, natural and economic sustentation of the edge, control of the use and the occupation of the ground formed by the natural and constructed patrimony characteristic of the city, reinforcement of the integration of the city in its region the municipal urban nuclei, articulating its physical infrastructures and natural resources, public implementation of strategies of the urban-ambient order, access to the infrastructure, equipment and social politics and promoting the balance of the urban environment, distribution of investments, that they stimulate the implantation and maintenance of activities that promote and extend the access to the work and income, reinforcement of mechanisms of shared management, considering the division of the municipal territory objectifying the distribution of the local development, treatment ' ' especial' ' of the areas of irregular and precarious urbanization (peripheries, mounts, areas of fen, edge, edges of highways, etc.), with sights to the urbanstica requalification and the agrarian regularization of the same ones, reinforcement of the municipal public power, as inductive of the real estate market and supplier of the access to the housing, exploitation of the potentialities concentrated in the territories of chances of Metropolis 2010, valuing the natural and cultural attributes of the metropolitan space; Integrated performance of the sectors public and private, in the projects detached for Coastal the Propositivo Study of Pernambuco (Neck Project, Project Port, Project Ways of the Sugar, Project treasures of the Sea); Implementation of programs of economic-social development, centered in the activities that protect and conserve natural ecosystems, Promotion of the integration of the municipal urban spaces with the urban mesh and the nets of services of the metropolis, endowing them with habitation conditions. . . .
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