Neural Systems
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (October 10, 2014)
The research of the neurocincia has answered that the two scientists are certain, for incredible that it seems, therefore the neural systems of the emotion and cognition is independent and interdependent. The lmbico system is extended in a neural circuit that together invokes a paper in different emotional tasks, where is formed by hipocampo, hipotlamo, turn of cngulo, amgdala, somatossensorial thalamus, nuclei and orbitofrontal cortex (GAZZANIGA, 2006). Amgdala possesss the paper to process the meaning emotional of the stimulatons and generates immediate emotional and mannering reactions. Interacting with other systems of the memory, particularly of hipocampal memory, when explicit events exist or declarative of the emotional properties of the stimulatons it is of basic importance for acquisition and expression of the acquired emotional learning in the aversiva conditional reply, it exists two main ways of interaction of amgdala with the dependent declarative interaction of the memory of hipocampo. The orbitofrontal cortex has the paper of regulating our abilities to inhibit, to evaluate and to act with emotional and social information, depending on the task to be determined, some factors of these can be more important that others. If our ability to process any information is harmed, the decision taking will be modified, possessing a relevance to process, to evaluate and to filter social and emotional information (GAZZANIGA, 2006). We can observe the importance of the lmbico system in the paper of the activities carried through for the individual, and in the processing of these activities, storage and evaluation.
3. The NEURAL BASES OF the EMOTIONS the neuronais ways of the lmbico system are connected between itself, integrated functionally, to the level of the independent nervous system, where they are processed and occurring a refinement to the level of vsceras. 3,1 Pleasure and Rewards Is one of the emotions oldest to be studied by neurofisiologistas due the purpose of establishing the relation of the cerebral functioning and the specific enceflico circuit.
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