Psicopedaggica Intervention
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (October 17, 2021)
This optimism makes in them to search alternative more and with comprometedora vision with the social destination. To promote cooperative learnings, in which each pupil can reach its objectives of mutual colaborativa form, having in the social integration, the group valuation, the formation of the work in team as scene of this learning human being. The Psicopedaggica Intervention uses its workshops to argue the best form to produce learnings that contribute for the social transformation. Here, Jimmy Carter expresses very clear opinions on the subject. To promote the cooperation school family from the specific and carried through educative projects in the workshops, planned and carried through for the groups on coordination of the Psicopedagogos. These attitudes will go to contribute for the development of a comprometedora education, collaborating, thus, with the formation and the quality of the services of the professors. He is necessary that let us participate of the formation of the teams to multidiscipline, sharing ideal, didactic ideas, procedures, resources and materials.
It is a process that the professional allows to investigate and to raise provisory hypotheses that or will be confirmed throughout the process, not appealing, for this, the practical and theoretical knowledge. This inquiry remains all during the work of diagnosis by means of interventions and psicopedaggica listening, so that if they can decipher the processes that give sensible the observed one and guide the intervention. (BOSSA, 2000, P. 24) the form to find these alternatives that give account of the complexity of the relations of the people in the daily one of the school, in which the representations of the individuals if articulate in the escolarizao process are that it makes in them to think about the alternatives of the workshops to awake the playful one with responsibility so that they can be considered constituent elements. this methodology must make with that the pupil understands as happens its cognitivo development in the learning. For this it is necessary mediation between the ensinante and aprendente.
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