StarData GmbH
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (September 13, 2018)
The fastest development of backend in the J2EE standard (EJB3) the StarData GmbH ( published the software TLGen in version 2.5 ( with new features that the automated backend code development (persistence layer, data classes) together with the client and test classes from a domain model (UML) or a database model (database already exists), as well as in combination with a configuration file up to 50% faster and with up to 60% lower cost compared to today used techniques allows. Current projects put on two methods in developing backend: manual development of codes with the help of generators, which generate pieces of code. These generators derive generally from open source projects and are adjusted by the company or individual projects again and again with additional effort. The different parts of the generated code are then assembled by the developer team. Use of frameworks that provide a part of code and interfaces and set in the backend are implemented. This leads to a Rigidity of the code, which unfortunately must be reckoned with in development. In addition, framework with a set of plugins can be used, which in turn generate pieces of code that will finally manually assembled. The third and new way of backend development is made possible through the TLGen approach: without having to intervene manually in the code, the complete backend code is generated with TLGen.
This is done alone with the domain model (or alternatively with a database model), currently standard at the start of the project, as well as an additional configuration file, created by the developers. With these two components you can automatically generate the code in the latest J2EE standard. At the same time, TLGen is also a steering tool with this approach for the development of the backend, because alone the configuration file, as well as changes in the model the project allows flexible control and incorporate new customer requirements at all times in a very short time. TLGen generated in version 2.5 automatically following components: test data Klassen(JUnit) Classes/interfaces beans (sessions beans, Manager beans, entity beans and message driven beans) interceptor Manager beans entity beans message driven beans timer services Web services callback classes free classes log files database scripts and database generation
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