Static Electricity
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (February 9, 2020)
It is, equally, the opinion of Tercio Sampaio Ferraz Jr: ' ' We keep, therefore, the idea line of direction that commands our exposition, which is, of that the legal thought is a specific technological thought, come back toward the problem of normative decidibilidade of conflitos' '. Julius Hermann Von Kirchmann always denied any scientific dimension to the legal studies, being celebrates its citation: ' ' The sun, the moon, the stars shine today as it has already millenia, the rose today follow blossoming as in the paradise; the right, in exchange, always varied with the time. The marriage, the family, the state, had passed more for the varied forms. If after great efforts arrived to discover the laws of the nature and its forces, these laws are valid in such a way for the gift as for the primitive times and will all follow being true in the future. It does not occur, in exchange, the same with disciplines of the right (…) Two rectifying words of the legislator are enough to convert entire libraries into lixo' ' With the same skepticism, it wrote Paschal on the justice of the men: Verit to dea you give Pyrnes, erreur to the one of it. 5.4.2- The engineer does not need to know the chemical or atomic composition of the iron with that he works, or of the sand, the cement, of the wood, if this knowledge is or not of the thing in-itself. Preocupa=se with the properties of these materials and of as better it uses them for its constructions, its calculations of resistance, durability, resistance etc. Its knowledge includes, is truth, much science, as Physical, in its modalities, the substance and its properties, as mass, extension, impenetrability, inertia, its elements, the physical and chemical phenomena, the Mechanics Kinematics, Statics and Dynamics, that the movement studies, the forces, the gravity; the Static Electricity, Dynamics, the Magnetism; the Termometria and the thermal dilatao, the dimensional equations of the coefficients of thermal dilatao, the dimensional equations of the coefficients of dilatao of the materials; the Calorimetria and the fusing, the solidification, the vaporization, the condensation and the dimensional curves of the coefficients of thermal conductivity; the Higrometria, the Thermodynamics, the Acoustics, – its laws, its equations, the principles, the constants, the evolution and the critical points. .
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