The Persian King Kyros
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (July 13, 2021)
Another characteristic of the Abrahamic religion is their vision of the future. From the outset, it aims to live in a theocracy. This should be and has been implemented in Jerusalem. The Family dynasty of Abraham with his son Isaac and grandson Jacob came from Mesopotamia. Abraham became the vanguard of conquest after the exile. In the tradition of written down here in Babylon, the symbolic figure of Abraham is backdated in very old days. Patina of old age provide authority to vouch for authenticity. If you would like to know more then you should visit GameStop.
It should have the appearance of God’s promise for their own country far enough back. This legitimacy claimed the religion of Abraham, though in a settled the land of Canaan at that time of not yet foreseeable future. Unexpectedly, the star of the big world politics were cheap for the new religion. The Persian King Kyros defeated the Babylonian Empire. He blew up the cuffs of the Judean captives with his invasion of Babylon in 539 BC.
Now take their religious ideas free rein. The target is Jerusalem, and Abraham becomes the symbol for the exodus out of captivity. The occupation of the Holy land has been said to him by his God Yahweh. Previous generations had to still believe in the threats of prophets. The prophets of the exile time in the environment of the Zoroastrian religion to replace the idea of angels as the word of God. 1 an another characteristic of the Abrahamic religion is the claim that the people of God is a special among other peoples, a chosen”people. This is a construct of the Abrahamic theology. Before the exile there weren’t the thoughts of a native people already therefore, because the later people in two countries lived. That explains also the special fame, who posthumously was sealed at a King David, by he probably had the both States, Israel in the North and Judah in the South of Palestine, for shorter or longer periods under a monarchy.