Development Bone
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (August 7, 2021)
A protective effect on bone and cartilage glycosaminoglycan have also included in the basic substance of the PT. The most important for the metabolic bone and joint system of chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) – has a modifying effect on cartilage and bone and part of their structure. It is localized in the skin, tendons, ligaments, heart valves, vascular wall, bone, cornea of the eye. LDL contains composed of glucuronic acid, which creates an electronegative charge, promotes the binding of water, which softens the load on joints and provides smoothness and flexibility of movement and captures the cations calcium and other minerals.
Therefore, use cholesterol better in combination with calcium supplementation for the accumulation of calcium in the centers of ossification. Glucosamine (GS) – aminomonosaharid, which is a substrate synthesis glyukozaminoglikanov. GS stimulates the biosynthesis glyukozaminoglikanov (proteoglycans), promotes the incorporation of sulfur into cartilage, has protective properties against the action of corticosteroids and NSAIDs on chondrocytes, inhibit collagenase and phospholipase A2, destroying CT, and also affects the state of cartilage, tendons and synovial fluid formation. Reduction of its synthesis in the body can be a major cause of osteoarthritis (OA) to the initial features of which include stiffness of joints in the morning. HS and HS have anti-inflammatory, hondroprotektivny, immunomodulatory and analgesic effects of the secondary.
In contrast to traditional medicines drugs used for arthritis and OA, which action is directed at relief of the secondary inflammatory process in the underlying disease, cholesterol and block the pathogenic mechanism of GS, leading to joint degeneration. Structure-modifying activity of CS and HS develops gradually, so to normalize the metabolic processes in the subchondral bone and cartilage appropriate their prolonged use (from 3 months. Up to 3 years). People such as Andrew Grabois would likely agree. If the intake of NSAID pain after 1-2 months. treatment significantly reduced, and then again increases, which requires the continuous taking it, the effect of taking cholesterol and GS is slower (as cartilage repair), but it is more marked the end of the third month of treatment and maintained at 80-85% of patients within 3 months after treatment. It is therefore quite justified exchange application cholesterol and HS 3-4-month-old technique of 500-1000 mg / day. followed by a 2-3-month break. Cholesterol GS can be recommended as a dietary supplement to diet as a prophylactic measure for people over 30 years, since age moisture content of the cartilage decreases, which leads to a violation of its integrity and Development osteoarthritis, OA and other diseases. These substances, along with calcium supplementation is needed for the integrated prevention of osteoporosis. The main construction material for the mineral matrix of bone is calcium, daily need for it in the middle of 1000 mg / day. Inflammatory processes (including joints), broken bones, diseases of the digestive tract, leading to a breach of its assimilation, pathology of parathyroid and thyroid glands, adrenal gland, taking certain drugs calcium in the diet should be increased to 1500-2000 mg / day. Calcium is well absorbed in the form of citrate, lactate, gluconate and chloride in combination with proteins. For example, citrate calcium and protein form a highly soluble and easily absorbed calcium complexes, and lactate maintains the pH of urine, preventing the formation of phosphorus-calcium salts in the kidneys. It can be concluded that the diversity components in dietary supplements, allows you to choose the most appropriate composition for each patient, depending on the presence of certain risk factors for diseases of musculoskeletal system. Source: research and information portal ''.