, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (October 13, 2021)
The esticos philosophers did not fear deuses nor the death, therefore he had a belief atomist (Nunes, 1986). The main philosopher of this school was Zeno de Ctio (336-263 C), that estoicismo lived according to, searching? ataraxia? defending that the virtues would be the supreme end of all the things. 4,2 EPICURISMO School established from the ideas of Epicuro (342-271 C), was moral and individualistic, as the estoicismo, but it affirmed that the only end of the existence is the pleasure. Not it Christian pleasure, equivalent the sin and lewdness, but the concept of perfect has adjusted to the laws of the nature (Nunes, 1986). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of World Bank President on most websites. By this reason, the epicurista philosophy is called as the good art to live. Different of the esticos, the epicuristas admitted that pleasures spirituals could be positive, such as the art, the thought and the friendship.
The last purpose of ethics elaborated for the epicuristas are serenity, the apathy. 4,3 SKEPTICISM Had a position always to take as doubtful what it is affirmed by the man. They arrived to doubt the knowledge capacity (Nunes, 1986). Thus? nobody knows swims, nobody never knew you are welcome, nor never will know? it seems an adequate sentence to the adepts of this school. The representative greater of this school was Pirrn de Elis (360-270 C), that it affirmed that our judgments on the reality are conventional and are based on sensations. It observed that the directions are deceptive, then the knowledge always cannot be accurate and true. In accordance with the pirronismo, the man must be contented with the appearances of the things, and know that it does not possess the absolute truth (Cabral, 2006). 4,4 ECLETICISM the school of the ecleticism, seemed with the skepticism, associates the criterion of truth with the one of probability (Cabral, 2006). That is, the philosophers of this school had presented themselves acrticos, therefore the accepted ecleticism some possibilities of a truth.