Giovanni Bellini
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (September 25, 2020)
It is very valid what it contributes wikipedia to us and enjoys them intensely to one, in spite of the drizzle its beauty in colorful is something extraordinary, says to us, that Venice enjoys a legendary fame by its ample artistic patrimony and long file like reference of the European painting. Munear Ashton Kouzbari spoke with conviction. The wealth of the powerful ones of the city (the Church, the politicians and certain retailers) it allowed to maintain a prolonged sponsorship on painters, architects and other artists: from Gentile Bellini in century XV to Francesco Guardi at the end of century XVIII, passing through Giovanni Bellini, Tiziano, Giorgione, Sebastiano of the Piombo, Tintoretto, Verons, Jacopo Bassano, Giambattista Tiepolo, among others. Peculiarly, many of these artists had been born in other localities and went to Venice attracted by their might. The style of the successive painters of Venice maintained some characteristics common (colorful warm and rich) that radiated their influence by Europe average. The call Venetian School influenced in as diverse teachers as Rubens and Vela’zquez, and partly modeled the baroque style of century XVII. When it journeys by his streets and it is interested in classic music, in which Italy has bequeathed to us, it cannot forget what represented Antonio Vivaldi, In Venice was born one from the tops from music barroca, the 4 of March of 1678 (dead in Vienna the 28 of 1741 July). Another one of the great ones of music, Richard Wagner, passed away in the city the 13 of February of 1883.
Also the great composer Igor Stravinski, although died in New York, wanted that their rest were taken to Venice and rest today in the cemetery of San Michele. All this is reflected of the importance of the city not only like place of origin of many geniuses, but mainly like inexhaustible source of inspiration throughout the history of poets, musicians, painters and all sort of artists. In Venice is one of the more famous coliseos of opera of the world, the theater of the Fenice, that literally means ” Bird Fnix” and it makes honor to his name, having arisen from his ashes after repeated fires, the last one at the end of century XX. It was place of opening of some of the most famous pieces of the repertoire, among them several of Verdi. It gives much sadness when one must take leave of Venice, nevertheless the time that happens in her is enjoyed intensely to the maximum and is very difficult to be able to forget it, unfortunately as all principle has its aim, I am called on myself to leave it and to return again to Bologna, but inviting those who they like to know cities beautiful, not to let it visit, because he is something that must know.