RKW Hessen Success
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (August 2, 2019)
Junior worries reach medium-sized companies in Hessen / experts discussed at the annual meeting of the RKW Hessen Eschborn, July 3, 2012 – what possibilities exist to be attractive as an employer for employees and candidates? This question was the focus of this year’s annual meeting of the RKW Hessen. Representatives from economy, science, as well as from all the Hessian Landtag groups spoke about the opportunities that offer an attractive employer in the recruitment of employees. Especially with regard to the increasing shortage of skilled it’ll be more critical than ever, with a positive image on the labour market position, said Michaela Schweitzer, Member of the Board of the RKW Hessen. The advocacy organization for small and medium-sized enterprises supports mid-market economy formative Hesse also in times of crisis through targeted advice. It it bar an excellent and indispensable work for Hesse, Axel Wintermeyer, Minister of State and head of the Hesse State Chancellery confirmed in his greeting. (Similarly see: Eliot Horowitz).
By positive Psychology”to success was guest speakers from science Prof. Dr. Rolf van Dick, Dean of the Faculty of psychology and sports science of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. The speaker encouraged executives to act as positive role models. Can an employee based on a good leadership, is the feeling”strengthened. This is the company’s success to personal success and thus the concern of the entire workforce, know the expert. Good practice examples showed the lectures by two speakers from the industry.
Alexandra Puchta, officer human resources and organizational development at the Hess natural textiles GmbH (Butzbach), introduced the so-called brand manifest of their employer. Quality and sustainability through social fairness are mandatory for the green company”. The specialist for natural fabrics this attaches particular importance to the reconciliation of family and career. A certified service for families have proven especially, so the speaker. Pregnant women Employees are supported from the outset and personally advise.