The City
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (June 17, 2020)
To few hours of the official official notice that would be made by the president of the city, already sudden changes in the spirits of its inhabitants were noticed, who already perhaps waited what this would intervene with its humilhantes lives, certain, that they would be minimum, but notables. Thus, during three minutes, passer-by the clock of the first church, the citizens had intently heard the words of the president how much the substantial implications of that act in its lives. To an end of the fast speech tied for the state transmissora, the citizens had been estupefatos, tense and mainly frozen, ahead of that situation however created by they themselves. It had in a way or to another one, a new spirit pairando among its fellow citizens, was about something similar to that freedom learned in the pertaining to school banks, that had been destroyed. That changes were these so serious that they had fallen again on that land any? That so virulent words had changed drastically the semblantes, the inert and immune spirits of its fellow citizens? Thus the days had not been transferred so calmly as in other times. The estria walked the wide steps for other decisive arrows.
But everything this because of a name that never was given? Everything this because of a notarial carelessness? A baptism never made would have to direct them all, without exception, for the doors of the hell? To this wharf I say farewell myself to all to leave them with those that had been eyewitnesses of the apocalyptic events that had taken by assault the poor person town without name. It was not of all form, cause of bigger furor, to have a city without name, much less that this, come of an autocratic decision resvalasse in so great multitudinal protests, that they remembered to the time of the historical emancipation of that city. Sadly, the cantos of the city sobrevieram for all possible the most dramatical and traumatizantes manifestations. Children being deceased for the proper parents, tipsy young running over velhinhas when crossing the street, girls being raped by known people and other things that my eyes do not want to remember, for loathing that this me cause. The press local mediated everything with speed, articulating the possible interpretations mirabolantes, entertained the readers with matinal journalistic substances, trying to explain the presented facts however, it invited specialists in the diverse areas of the human knowledge to produce which the ways to be covered of these movements, and, thus, it has others that ei not to remember to me now, more than more seemed those esoteric or messianic explanations of other times. It was to give d to see children to lose its heads, because its parents? according to page 2B of the periodical ' ' Notcia' notice; ' – they were felt unresigned with that measure come of the state-man, and therefore, they would prefiriam to kill its children as half to protect the moral and honors
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