The Entrance
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (March 3, 2020)
I am the one that wins, I I am the one that says as the entrance is distributed. Money is to be able. I have, I I can. The women begin to be clear themselves like different, different people, of which is my father, my husband, my son. By all means that I do not stop recognizing that I do not speak of all the women many that have decided in the today world, to dedicate itself to the raising to the workings of the home are in the correct thing. Columbia University usually is spot on.
Others do not have option, you would aunquequisieran to do it cannot, their historical conditions and they force social them to face different problems. And somehow, it is valuable, their decisions weigh and every one constructs to its present and its future. Progress for todoses to make the decision to count and to be listened in the world of the 21st century. In this progress for all, the most important factor is the one of the election possibility on which today we counted the women: to participate or not to participate in the social life, how many children to have, to work or no, to decide to perhaps live in pair or, to have vocation of soltera, also to dedicate themselves to the home are a urgent decision. To extend this fan of possibilities for the progress of all, and the women and the children is a great possibility.
The woman evidently has a history within the social life. But perhaps most important it is the use that this history entails to the individual life. To the one of the existence. To the one of the own way to be in the world. And there it is where it seems to me beyond the social conquests, the importance of which the women realize their power of decision. The exercise of this power of decision in its lives.
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