Network topology refers to the way your computer network is organized. The network may have a physical network topology or a logical network topology. The physical topology describes the design of computers and workstations where are placed. The logical network topology describes how information flows through the network. The choice of the physical network topology is important because if you don’t choose correctly, this could cause the network may not function properly. There are several terms that describe the type of physical network topology a network can have.
The types of most common network topologies are bus, ring, Star and mesh. In a bus network topology, all computers are connected to a single cable with endings. Job terminators to absorb the energy of the signals on the network. Bus topology is easy to install, but it is not reliable, because by default only you can download network. In a ring topology, each computer is directly connected to the other two computers on the network. Just as with a bus topology, a single failure can interrupt a ring network. This type of network has its advantages, however does not require a network server.
In a star network topology, each computer is connected to the cable separately. This configuration is more reliable than a bus topology because its design makes it tolerant and susceptible to them. The information in the network airs a system to another and flows of data in one direction. This network topology is expensive to maintain and is not reliable due to the Elimination of a team can interrupt your entire network. In a mesh network topology, a path is present from one computer to another computer on the network. The mesh topology is generally used in the structure of the Internet. Mesh network topology can be complicated building because it has multiple connection between locations. For each computer you have, you will need at least one and a half of connections for each. This It helps that the structure is expensive. Choosing a network topology, must understand that each one has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to first do an investigation of each and see which fits your budget and that adapts to your network design. The amount of maintenance required in each network topology will be considered also important.
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