Victor Espinoza
Everyone needs to know that they are on the computer for one reason in particular and that their contribution is vital. Young or shy people might have to be convinced to participate basics to be taken into account without any doubt, the characteristics of teams, in this regard reminds us Victor Espinoza as follows: is a harmonic integration of functions and activities carried out by different people. Its implementation requires that responsibilities are shared by its members. You need to make the activities developed in a coordinated manner. You need programs that are planned in computer aimed at a common goal. In this regard, stands out, learn to work effectively as a team takes time, since they have acquired skills and special skills needed for the harmonious performance of his work.
There are different aspects necessary for a proper job on computer, among them are They include: effective leadership, i.e., having a process of creating a vision of the future that takes into account the interests of the members of the Organization, developing a rational strategy for approaching such a vision, getting the support of the key centres of power to achieve the foregoing and providing incentives to persons whose acts are essential to implement the strategy. Promote communication channels, both formal and informal, eliminating at the same time the communicational barriers and promoting in addition a proper retroalimentacio existence of a harmonious working environment, allowing and promoting the participation of the members of the teams, where takes advantage the disagreement to seek an improvement in the performance. When it comes to form work teams, you should be considered and to realize the important factors that guarantee its functionality namely: Cohesion; Allocation of roles and norms; Communication; Definition of objectives.; Interdependence Espinoza, gives us also, the importance of taking into account the conditions to be met by the members of the team, what which should know that they are part of a group; Therefore, its role must meet each without losing the notion of equipment.
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