Weider Training
, Posted in: News, Author: AWHadmin (December 23, 2019)
For example, to increase strength it is necessary to constantly use greater amounts of weight. To increase muscle size, must not only try to work with weights increasingly higher in progressively, but increase other variables such as number of series or number of training sessions. To increase muscular endurance, you must reduce the break between series time or increase the number of repetitions or series. These increases must be made in a progressive manner. The concept of overload supports all training and is the solid base of the Weider training. 2.
Principle of isolation: each muscle contributes, to some extent, to a complete, well as a stabilizer, agonist, antagonist or Synergist movement. Our purpose is to give maximum shape or develop a muscle independently, whether to separate it or isolate it from other muscles as best we can. We do this through changes in anatomical positions. By example: the curl in Bank Scott insulates better than the dorsal milestones with grip closed and invested brachial. 3. Principle of muscle Confusion: part of the constant growth is to avoid that the body is adapted to a specific training. The muscles should never accommodate.
The stress they need to grow. If we constantly vary exercises, series, angles and repetitions, may never make yourself comfortable and adjust to the stress. Joe Weider says: to be confused to the muscles to keep them growing and changing. 4. Principle of priority: quote your weakest muscle group when you have more energy. The intensity develops muscle, and this can only be lifted when we have great power. For example, if the shoulders have weakness with respect to the chest, we must do our sides and presses for deltoids before the bench press. In this way we will increase the intensity on our shoulders, because we give them priority.
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